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Board of Health Agenda 07/22/2014
Agenda for Holland Board of Health
July 22, 2014

The Holland Board of Health will conduct a regular Board Meeting in the Board of Health Office Town Hall, 27 Sturbridge Road, Holland MA at 7:30pm; concerning the following business:

New Business:
New BOH email on website
New filing system
New intake log for mail
Agenda- "format of" and "submission deadlines"~
Review of Holland bylaws pertaining to BOH
request for photographs of 33 and 35 Lakeridge Road

Old Business:
Update on computers
Update on fee schedule
Dog Officer/Animal Control/Barn inspector BOH's responsibility
Animal bites-~ (also related to previous topic…) ---- tracking responsibility for BOH
Food inspection schedule
Septic hauler licenses
Check in schedule for 33 and 35 Lakeridge Road
Septic installer licenses (retain copies on file….)
Proper filing of septic plans that were not inspected and do not have "as built" specs attached

New Mail:


Member Concerns:


Dana Manning, Member
Board of Health